Testimonials of pateints
Patients greatly appreciate Osteopathy because it proposes effective solutions and treats the causes of pain and dysfunction in the Organism.

Tradition, Research and Know-How

Clients' Testimonials of our Osteopathic College

“Osteopathy is the one method that has given me tangible and consistent results after being
diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. My husband now uses Osteopathy for treating old injuries and has found great relief and comfort as well.

We have had our son treated and noticed improvements with his latch while breastfeeding and neck range of motion after his birth.

I am so grateful for the piece of life that osteopathy helped me reconnect with and to have a practice to turn to for my family’s overall health and wellbeing.”

Darla Deschamps Montgomery, World Cup medalist, Canadian Women’s Skeleton Team

“My world changed dramatically when I suffered my last concussion while training for a skeleton race as part of the Canadian National Program in December of 2011. At the time, I thought I would be back on the ice after a few weeks, but my symptoms got worse and I had to go to a dozen doctors’ appointments to find relief for my post-concussion symptoms. They were so severe that I would be bedridden for months and seeking pain management in and out of the hospital. I was constantly dizzy, my brain felt like it was sloshing around in a fishbowl, my ability to process information (any information) was altered and caused extreme frustration, anxiety, headaches, and migraines.

I was sensitive to light, which didn’t allow for any screen time without a “flare-up” and turning on a bathroom light would send me into a migraine tailspin. Night lights lit my world and blinds drawn became my friend.

My world became so small and I felt like I was a shell of the person I used to be. After 18
months and dozens of prescription meds and specialists I tried Osteopathy.

It was such a gentle method and since I was coming from the sporting world where I was used to being poked and prodded rather aggressively, I didn’t know just what to expect.
In the middle of the night after my first treatment, I awoke with a slight popping sensation in the back of my neck and the feeling of relief. This also happened after the second treatment. My body was responding positively to this treatment and I was feeling hopeful for the first time in 18 months.

Over time and with continued treatment, I would see my symptoms improve. It was a gradual and steady process, one that I am so thankful for.”

Jon Montgomery, 2010 Olympic Gold Medalist in the Canadian Men’s Skeleton Team

“The results were obvious thanks to the speed at which I was able to start working and living again. I am grateful to this treatment method, and I encourage those around me to find an osteopath for all their treatment needs.”

Matthew Lombardi, Canadian professional hockey player (now retired)

“For as long as I can remember, music has been a part of my life.

Just like an athlete, the musician wears and shapes his body. Playing the violin is certainly not a natural position for the body, I have long called on osteopathy for my violinist booboos, but also to treat more serious injuries.

A week before a major concert in New York, I was diagnosed with a cervical sprain for which I was put on a sick leave. After a few osteopathic treatments, I was able to go back on my concert tour without any further issues.

More recently, osteopathy accompanied me during my radiation treatments. This helped me, among other things, to regain the full range of motion in my arms following surgery to remove two tumors in my breast.

Osteopathy has been an essential treatment for me and my whole family for over 25 years. We use it regularly and we could not go without it. Like other great nations around the world, it is time for osteopathy to be professionally recognized here. Osteopaths play an important role in enhancing and complementing our traditional medicine. Let's give them the tools to thrive.”

Angèle Dubeau, O.C., C.Q., O.M., DFA

“As an Olympic Gold Medalist and three-time Olympian in cross-country skiing, I placed tremendous demands on my body to perform at the highest level. If anything was “off,” physically or mentally, when it came to the big competitions, it could cost me a medal for Canada and years of hard work could be wasted. The margin between success and failure was commonly in the tenths of seconds, sometimes hundredths. It is in this environment that I and my teammates found osteopathy to be a critically important part of our training regime and competition preparation and recovery.

I saw tremendous health gains from not just a structural standpoint but also in regards to my immune system and mental health. Admittedly, osteopathy presents a world that is hard to understand for those who haven’t undergone the arduous and time-consuming process of pursuing the education and training required to deliver the treatments.

This barrier to understanding how it works leaves me with something I can only understand in the black and white terms of results and athletic performance. I don’t know how it works… it just does.”

Chandra Crawford, MBA, Olympic gold medalist, founder of Fast and Female

“Osteopathy is an important part of my success and my continuity as an Olympian athlete. The specific and in-depth treatments allow not only the healing of injuries but also the prevention of others. Osteopathy allowed me to optimize each training session knowing that my body is ready for day-to-day work. During competitions, I could count on all of the little adjustments necessary for my body to guarantee perfect alignment. For me, osteopathy is an important part of my quest for a perfect race! After three Olympic Games, I can say that my body is still in an excellent state!”

Émilie Fournel, kayaker, gold and silver medalist at the Pan American Games, bronze medalist at the World Championships, and three-time Olympian

“Once we really want something in life and we can’t have it… it broadens our horizons.

From the start, we knew that having a child would not be an easy feat for us. Fertility has its share of imponderables, but let’s just say that we started our journey with what is usually a last resort: in-vitro fertilization.

We, therefore, chose to put all the chances on our side and sought out the best possible support. It is then that osteopathy began playing an important role in our journey to becoming parents. We were adding one more string to our bow.

Like the family doctor, an osteopath is an essential professional to consult as part of a holistic approach to managing one’s health. Osteopathy has not only provided quantifiable and measurable results for our family but above all, it has made it possible to work on certain health problems when other professionals had run out of solutions.

Life has been good to us! We now have two beautiful boys in excellent health, who also consult an osteopath regularly.

My family is privileged to be able to benefit from competent professionals.

This profession will only benefit from being known and recognized!”

Brigitte, mother of Maxime and Thomas

Thank you so much to the three students in osteopathy (and their supervisor) at the external clinic who worked on my arm and legs.

The team found and treated a problem not found over the course of two years by:

• Winnipeg's top-rated sports physiotherapist
• two separate athletic therapists
• my massage therapist
• my regular osteopath

Over at least 50 appointments between them all - all of whom were told that even very lightweight exercises made my elbow sore - and they knew I wasn't a shirker because of how quickly I regained full mobility after the accident, and then again, after the surgery.

That's the best $45 and 2 hours I've spent in a very long time, maybe ever.

I've been a fan of osteopathy since my first treatment 3 years ago, and I'm now in awe. I look forward to my next visit (no pressure).

David Panktatz


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6136, University avenue, Halifax, NS
B3H 4J2 Canada

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