Osteopathic technique
Established in Halifax in 2002

Tradition, Research and Know-How

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Philippe Druelle D.O.

Why choose the Osteopathic Studies College (CEO) in Halifax

  • The CEO has more than 40 years of teaching experience. The teaching staff currently consists of 175 teachers, including clinic supervisors and teaching assistants, which allows for a low instructor/ student ratio.
  • Professors come from various health science backgrounds and are selected based on high academic standards. They are all D.O.’s and D.O.M.P.’s and all have written and defended a thesis in Osteopathy. Students are allowed to develop their talents and the College promotes respect, ethics, and loyalty.
  • The Study Program is taught within our 7 colleges. Students can continue their program at any campus (Vancouver, Halifax, Winnipeg in English; Montreal and Quebec in French; Germany in German; Switzerland in English)
  • The CEO is a member of the OSEAN (Osteopathic European Academic Network), an association of colleges offering university level education in the manual practice of osteopathy, as well as a member of the WOHO, the World Osteopathic Health Organization.

What are the resources for students of the Colleges?

  • A growing number of patients and institutions increasingly rely on osteopathic manual practitioners, and more specifically on the well-trained professionals of our Colleges.
  • The CEO is considered one of the best manual practice osteopathic schools in both Canada and abroad.

Other advantages offered by the CEO include the following:

  • Students can start their studies in one of our campuses and finish them in our other campuses across Canada (Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Quebec City, and Halifax) or in Europe (Germany and Switzerland)
  • Our continuing education classes are taught by some of the world’s most renowned and skilled osteopathic manual practitioners. All of our campuses, national and international offer a wide range of annual continuing education opportunities.
  • Students are provided all notes electronically two weeks prior to the start of each course.
  • Courses are held over five consecutive days encompassing the weekend, providing our students with the flexibility to manage their schedules.

Student Union Building 3rd floor
6136, University avenue, Halifax, NS
B3H 4J2 Canada

Continuing Education
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