Osteopathic technique
Educating Osteopathic Manual Practitioners in Winnipeg since 2010

Tradition, Research and Know-How

Philippe druelle
Philippe Druelle D.O.

CSO teachers
Jane Stark D.O.M.P., MSc, Philippe Druelle D.O., D.Sc.O., Brad Mc Cucheon D.O.M.P., MScO, Tara Drew D.O.M.P., PhD.

Why Choose the CEO Winnipeg Campus

Selecting the right institution in which to study traditional osteopathy is extremely important to your future. The quality of your education and training is crucial for your professional career as well as for the reputation of osteopathy. The CEO (Osteopathic Studies) Inc. is the right place for you to earn your D.O.M.P. (Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice).

Established in Winnipeg in 2010, The CEO Winnipeg remains the best place to obtain the most comprehensive education and training to prepare for a professional career in osteopathy.

Along with our affiliated institutions, we have been training and educating osteopaths in Canada since 1981. More than 1800 osteopaths and osteopathic manual practitioners have graduated from our nationwide schools. You have educational options with us. For example, you can begin your studies in Winnipeg and continue your program, with the same high level of quality, at one of our affiliates in Montreal, Quebec City, Vancouver or Halifax—or even in Germany or Switzerland.

Other Reasons to Choose the CEO Winnipeg Campus

  • The CEO and its affiliated institutions remain the leaders in the training of fully qualified, clinically effective, and therapeutically safe osteopathic manual practitioners in Canada. Our curriculum provides a strong foundation in the history, philosophy, theory, principles, and practices of osteopathy—from its beginnings under A.T Still to its modern-day practitioners and researchers—as well as the basics of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics.
  • Our instructors are osteopaths or osteopathic manual practitioners, clinicians, researchers, and authors, each with between 5 and 35 years of clinical and/or teaching experience. Our faculty, assistants, and clinical supervisors in the student clinic have been selected for their expertise and dedication. They will help you move forward in your education and career. Their primary goal is to transmit their know-how to you in as effective a manner as possible.
  • The CEO provides complete hands-on clinical training in patient-centered therapies, both in the classroom setting and in the student clinic, giving students valuable practical palpation experience with real patients. Palpation and clinical reasoning skills require time to develop, so we don't rush our students. Our program is paced out over five years, during which time you'll be able to gradually incorporate what you learn at school into your own practice at a rate that allows genuine progress. This progress and proficiency will stay with you for a lifetime, not just to finish an exam.
  • Whereas there are many courses that teach osteopathic techniques, only our program provides you with the clinical methodology. In other words, we teach you how to know which techniques to use and what sequence to apply them in, so that your patient undergoes the minimal amount of treatment and obtains the maximum results. Only the CEO teaches a distinct clinical methodology to ensure that treatments are precisely designed and concisely applied.
  • Our small and friendly classes help ensure that each student receives the special personalized attention required to allow him or her to achieve full potential as an osteopathic manual practitioner. The classes are pleasant, well-organized, and well-lit.
  • CEO offers a fantastic continuing education program with opportunities to study with internationally recognized specialists. Courses of continuing education are based on the concept of the Master class, in which renowned osteopaths transmit their expertise. In addition, the CEO holds an annual Founder's Day conference where you can meet and study from the best osteopaths in the world. Our affiliate campuses in Montreal and Germany also hold annual international conferences that provide our students and graduates with the opportunity to expand their osteopathic training.
  • Tuition fees are established according to the number of hours you spend in direct contact with teachers. A detailed invoice guarantees transparency.

435 Berry Street, Winnipeg
Manitoba R3J 1N6
Phone: 416-597-0367
Toll free: 1-877-893-0367
Fax: 416-597-9919

Continuing Education
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