Students studying the structure of a skull
We strive for excellence in education while following the standards of the World Health Organization

Tradition, Research and Know-How

Osteopathic technic

Brad McCutchon teaching a technique

Student practicing

The Mission of the Canadian School of Osteopathy in Vancouver

Since our foundation in 2001, our mission has stayed the same: train competent osteopathic manual practitioners who possess the qualities and knowledge necessary to becoming primary caregivers that are effective and safe for the public.

We have accomplished this goal by offering comprehensive programs that meet the highest academic standards set by the World Health Organization.

Over the years, we have continued to preserve the values, concepts, philosophy and know-how developed by Dr. A.T. Still and all of the teachers who have followed the same path generation after generation.

  • Promote teaching that takes into account the tradition of osteopathy, the latest scientific discoveries and the know-how to interact with the tissues of each patient.
  • Teach an osteopathic program that includes all fields (myofascial, osteo-articular, visceral and cranial) in order to treat patients in their entirety and according to their deepest needs.
  • Promote and improve the quality of our programs and our teaching at all times.
  • Ensure that the program is taught according to the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
  • Teach a methodology that takes symptoms into account, but also the causes, pathologies and dysfunctions that each patient presents the day of the consultation. The student will be able to establish priorities, develop a treatment plan and carry it out safely and effectively.
  • Develop tools to verify the quality of programs, courses and the practice of osteopathy.
  • Promote ethics, integrity and the sharing of knowledge in collaboration with a multidisciplinary healthcare team.
  • Evolve with academic bodies, the government and other healthcare professionals.
  • Improve the quality of teachers by promoting continuing education at the pedagogical and osteopathic level.
  • Promote the symposiums to share information that will allow us to increase our effectiveness and foster our evolution as a community with the best osteopaths, osteopathic manual practitioners, and scientists.
  • Foster a high availability and support for students in order for them to increase their knowledge, comprehension and confidence in their palpation.
  • Allow students to develop their own talents throughout their training and encourage their vocation.
  • Play a determining role in our society to relieve patients who are suffering and presenting with major dysfunctions.
  • Spread the knowledge of the benefits, value and effectiveness of osteopathy.
  • Be available to inform, receive and share all knowledge that may improve osteopathic care.
  • Promote loyalty, respect and ethics.

101-1150 Station St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6A 4C7
Phone: 604-694-1195

Continuing Education
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