Osteopathy care
Canadian School of Osteopathy Manual Practice – Vancouver — ID-03908

Tradition, Research and Know-How

The Canadian School of Osteopathy - Manual Pratice - Vancouver Campus students’ policies

Effective Date: 2020-08-01
Revision Date: 2020-08-18

Attendance Policy

  • The minimum attendance requirements for students are as follows:
Teachers and assistants are responsible for taking attendance and to report the number of hours of instruction a student attends each day for each course in the morning, afternoon and evening, when applicable. Student must make sure that their name appears on the attendance sheet and that their attendance hours has been correctly registered.
  • The consequences for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:
Students who cannot attend a scheduled course must notify the College. A student who is absent more than 10% of total course hours and clinical hours without a valid reason is not authorized to do his/her oral presentations or take year-end exams, and must re-take the entire year over.
  • The process by which students must report an absence is as follows:
Students who cannot attend a scheduled course must notify by email the On-site Administrator and Student Services Coordinator, Claudia Cattoni at this email .
Effective Date: 2001-09-01
Revision Date: 2021-09-01

Dispute Resolution Policy

The Collège d’Études Ostéopathique (CEO) and affiliated colleges provide an opportunity for students to resolve disputes of a serious nature and grade appeals in a fair and equitable manner.

Students will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filling a complaint.

The policy applies to all CSO students currently enrolled or who were enrolled 30 days prior to the submission of their dispute to the Osteopathy Study Program Coordinator, Nathalie Ramos, by email . If she is absent and/or named in the complaint, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by email .

The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or lawyer.

Procedure for Student Disputes

When a concern arises, the student should address the concern with the individual most directly involved. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome at this level, he/she must put his/her concern in writing and deliver it to the Program Director or his representative.

The Program Director will acknowledge receipt and contact the student to discuss the concern and desired resolution within five school days of receiving the student’s written concern.

Following the meeting with the student, the Program Director or his/her representative, will conduct whatever enquiries and/or investigations are necessary and appropriate to determine whether the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part.

The necessary enquiries and / or investigations shall be completed a response provided in writing to all involved within 30 days after the date on which the complaint was received and acknowledged. One of the following may happen:

If it is determined that the student’s concerns are not substantiated the CSO will provide a written explanation of the decision and deny the complaint; or

If it is determined that the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part, the CSO will propose a resolution.

A copy of the decision and all supporting materials shall be given to the student. The original will be placed in the student file.

The student will have five school days to appeal the decision. The Program Director will immediately refer the matter to the Executive director, Bernard Philie, for her review.

The original decision will either be confirmed or varied by Executive director. At this point the Institution’s Dispute Resolution Process will be considered exhausted.

The written reasons will advise a student, that if the student is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca). Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.

Effective Date: 2001-09-01
Revision Date: 2021-09-01

Grades Appeal Policy

Procedure for Grade Appeal

If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received, the student may request a review of examination correction, whether they pass or fail. A request must be made within 30 days after the date the results were published.

Procedure for consulting an evaluation: The student must make an appointment via email with the Student Services Coordinator, Claudia Cattoni. The coordinator will determine a time slot for the consultation of the evaluation and will provide the student with the answer key if applicable. It goes without saying that photocopies of the evaluation and the answer key are prohibited, however note-taking is possible but limited and supervised.

A student may not contest the result received from an evaluator except in the case of a procedural error. For example, if the score contains an error, the College will make the correction. If a student feels that there is a procedural error, he or she may request a review of the marking of an exam, whether he or she has passed or failed. The request must be made within 30 days of the release of the results to the Osteopaphy Study Program Coordinator, Nathalie Ramos by email at [email protected] The grade assigned as a result of the review is final and not subject to appeal, whether it is higher, equal or lower than the original grade. A fee of 50$ is required in advance and will be refunded to the student if the review is warranted.

The decisions on the grade appeal will be provided to students within 30 school days of program coordinator’s receipt of the written appeal.

Effective Date: 2021-09-01
Revision Date: 2021-09-01

Sexual Misconduct Policy


Canadian School of Osteopathy - Vancouver is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.


Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behavior including the following:

  • sexual assault;
  • sexual exploitation;
  • sexual harassment;
  • stalking;
  • indecent exposure;
  • voyeurism;
  • the distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video;
  • the attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct; and
  • the threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.

A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A person may choose to disclose or complain of sexual misconduct without making a formal report. A Complaint normally does not initiate an investigation or other process. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action.


A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.


The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

Any student who wishes to make a complaint related to an incident of sexual misconduct should immediately contact the Osteopathy Study Program Director, Nathalie Ramos, by email or by telephone at 514-342-2816 extension 223. If he is absent and/or named in the Complaint, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by telephone at 514-342-2816 extension 224 or by email .

The Director will provide immediate support to the victim/survivor and if necessary, a referral to professional counseling services who work with victims/survivors of sexual misconduct. The Director will support the individual to complete a recording form which includes the following information:

  • Date form completed
  • Date/Time of alleged incident
  • Name of complainant
  • Identity of complainant (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of alleged perpetrator(s)
  • Identity of alleged perpetrator (i.e., current student, faculty/administrator/staff, other)
  • Record of support offered to the complainant by the College
  • Summary of incident
  • Name(s) of any witnesses
  • Date and signature of complainant
  • Date and signature of Program Director

The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

The Study Program Director will meet with the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director and inform her of the incident. Collaboratively they will review the Complaint Recording Form and will investigate the alleged incident of sexual misconduct as soon as reasonably possible and document the process. The General Manager, Jacqueline Verret will be substituting any of the Program Director in this process if they are absent and/or named in the Complaint.

A student making a Complaint that they have experienced Sexual Violence and Misconduct will be treated with compassion, dignity, respect and can expect to:

  • Obtain timely assistance to create a safety plan;
  • Obtain reasonable and appropriate academic, workplace or other accommodation tailored on a case-by-case basis;
  • Receive timely, ongoing, and confidential support, regardless of whether the member chooses to make a Report under section 7 of this policy, and regardless of the outcome of that Report;

A student making a Complaint that they have experienced Sexual Violence and Misconduct is entitled to decide whether to:

  • Contact the relevant law enforcement agency and pursue criminal proceedings;
  • File a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, where the matter falls within its jurisdiction;
  • Initiate other legal proceedings.
  • Convert their Complaint into a Report pursuant to section 7 of this policy, with the intention of initiating an internal process as outlined in that section.

The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

Any student who wishes to Report an incident of sexual misconduct should immediately contact the Osteopathy Study Program Director, Nathalie Ramos, by email or by telephone at 514-342-2816 extension 223. If she is absent and/or named in the Report, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by telephone at 514-342-2816 extension 224 or by email .
Using the Report of Sexual Violence and Misconduct Recording Form the Director will support the individual to complete the recording form which includes the following information:

  • Date form completed
  • Date/Time of alleged incident
  • Name of the individual making the report
  • Identify of the individual making the report (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of victim/survivor of alleged incident
  • Identity of victim/survivor (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of alleged perpetrator(s)
  • Identity of alleged perpetrator (i.e., current student, faculty/administrator/staff, other)
  • Summary of incident
  • Name(s) of any other witnesses
  • Date and signature of individual making the report
  • Date and signature of Program Director

The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

The Study Program Director will meet with the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director and inform her of the incident. Collaboratively they will review the Report Recording Form and create an action plan to investigate and resolve the alleged incident of sexual misconduct as soon as reasonably possible and document the process. The General Manager, Jacqueline Verret will be substituting any of the Program Director in this process if they are absent and/or named in the Report.

All allegations of sexual misconduct will be investigated consistent with the principles of procedural fairness which ensures they are conducted fairly and without bias. The Osteopathy Study Program Director and the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director will ensure:

  • that the alleged perpetrator(s) is given reasonable notice, details of the allegation and provided with an opportunity to respond to the allegation
  • all identified individuals who had knowledge of or witnessed the alleged incident of sexual misconduct are provided the opportunity to give their statement
  • any completed Report of Sexual Violence and Misconduct Recording Form relevant to this alleged incident is brought forward as part of the investigation
  • any additional information that may be pertinent to this incident is brought forward as part of the investigation including any follow up with police or regulatory authority

Once the investigation is complete, the Osteopathy Study Program Director and the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director will schedule a meeting of the College’s Ethics Committee to hear the allegation. The preparation and process of the meeting is as follows:

  • Members of the Ethics Committee will be provided with a copy of the Report Recording Form along with the completed investigation section of the recording form along with any other relevant material for their review prior to the meeting.
  • The complainant and the accused (separate of each other) will have an opportunity to personally present their account of the alleged incident to the Ethics Committee and to address any questions or inquiries of the Ethics Committee regarding their account.
  • They will each be advised that they may be represented by an agent or a lawyer during these proceedings.
  • The Ethic Committee will consider all facts and information pertaining to the alleged incident and render a decision which must be substantiated with evidence.
  • The complainant and the accused will be informed of the Ethic Committee’s decision both verbally and in writing within 48 hours of the meeting.
  • The decision of the Ethic Committee is final and binding on all parties at the College level.
  • The incident itself and all information related to it must be kept strictly confidential.

It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.


Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.


All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:

  • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm.
  • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another.
  • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided.
  • Where reporting is required by law.
  • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a complaint or Report.
Effective Date: 2018-09-01
Revision Date: 2021-09-01

Student Statement of Rights

Canadian School of Osteopathy Manual Practice – Vancouver is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

  • amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program
  • refund policy
  • if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided
  • whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

  • your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program
  • you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

Click here for more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student.

Effective Date: 2001-09-01
Revision Date: 2021-09-01

Refund Policy

Circumstances when Refund Payable
Amount of Refund
Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all students)
  • No later than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Before the program start date.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee. Related fees include: administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course materials.
  • At least 30 days before the later of:
  1. The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
  2. The program start date in the enrolment contract.
Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
  • More than seven days after the student and institution signed the enrolment contract, and
  • Less than 30 days before the later of:
  1. The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
  2. The program start date in the enrolment contract.
Institution may retain up to 20% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,300.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
After program start date, institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all students, except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education)
  • After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided.
Institution may retain up to 30% of tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
  • After the program start date, and after more than 10%, but before 30% of instruction hours, have been provided.
Institution may retain up to 50% of tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Student does not attend program – no-show” (applies to all students except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education):
  • Student does not attend the first 30% of the program.
Institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Institution receives a refusal of study permit (applies to international students requiring a study permit):
  • Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:
  1. The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance
  2. The program start date in the enrolment contract
  • Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee.
After the program start date, student withdraws or is dismissed (applies to students enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education):
  • Student completed up to 30% of the program.
Institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
  • Student completed more than 30% but less than 50% of the program (based on evaluation provided to student).
Institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Institution must pay the tuition or fee refund within 30 days after receiving notice of withdrawal or refusal of study permit; providing a notice of dismissal, or the date on which the first 30% of the hours of instruction are provided (no-show).
Effective Date: 2001-09-01
Revision Date: 2025-03-07

Harassment and Anti-Racism Policy

  • Canadian School of Osteopathy - Vancouver is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to harassment and racism misconduct.

  • The Canadian School oh Osteoptahy values maintaining an environment free of, and will not tolerate, Harassment, Discrimination or Reprisal. This includes Harassment and Discrimination on the basis of race, gender identity, ancestry, gender expression, place of origin, age (18 years or older), colour, record of offences (employment only), ethnic origin, marital status, citizenship, family status, creed, sexual orientation, sex, and disability.

  • A Complaint of harassment and racism is different than a Report of harassment and racism. A person may choose to disclose or complain of harassment and racism without making a formal report. A Complaint normally does not initiate an investigation or other process. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of harassment and racism to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action.


A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.


The process for making a Complaint about harassment and racism involving a student is as follows:

Any student who wishes to make a complaint related to an incident of harassment and racism should immediately contact the Osteopathy Study Program Coordinator, Nathalie Ramos by email or by telephone at 514-700-6019 extension 223. If she is absent and/or named in the Complaint, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by telephone at 514-700-6019 extension 224 or by email .

The Director will provide immediate support to the victim/survivor and if necessary, a referral to professional counseling services who work with victims/survivors of harassment and racism. The Director will support the individual to complete a recording form which includes the following information:

  • Date form completed
  • Date/Time of alleged incident
  • Name of complainant
  • Identity of complainant (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of alleged perpetrator(s)
  • Identity of alleged perpetrator (i.e., current student, faculty/administrator/staff, other)
  • Record of support offered to the complainant by the College
  • Summary of incident
  • Name(s) of any witnesses
  • Date and signature of complainant
  • Date and signature of Program Director

The process for responding to a Complaint of harassment and racism involving a student is as follows:

The Study Program Director will meet with the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director and inform her of the incident. Collaboratively they will review the Complaint Recording Form and will investigate the alleged incident of harassment and racism as soon as reasonably possible and document the process. The General Manager, Jacqueline Verret will be substituting any of the Program Director in this process if they are absent and/or named in the Complaint.

A student making a Complaint that they have experienced Harassment and anti-racism will be treated with compassion, dignity, respect and can expect to:

  • Obtain timely assistance to create a safety plan;
  • Obtain reasonable and appropriate academic, workplace or other accommodation tailored on a case-by-case basis;
  • Receive timely, ongoing, and confidential support, regardless of whether the member chooses to make a Report under section 7 of this policy, and regardless of the outcome of that Report;

A student making a Complaint that they have experienced Harassment and Anti-racism is entitled to decide whether to:

  • Contact the relevant law enforcement agency and pursue criminal proceedings;
  • File a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, where the matter falls within its jurisdiction;
  • Initiate other legal proceedings.
  • Convert their Complaint into a Report pursuant to section 7 of this policy, with the intention of initiating an internal process as outlined in that section.

The process for making a Report of harassment and racism involving a student is as follows:

Any student who wishes to Report an incident of harassment and racism should immediately contact the Osteopathy Study Program Coordinator, Nathalie Ramos, by email or by telephone at 514-700-6019 extension 223. If she is absent and/or named in the Report, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by telephone at 514-700-6019 extension 224 or by email or by temaik at 514-342-2816 extension 223. If he is absent and/or named in the Report, the student should contact the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director, Sophie Desranleau by telephone at 514-342-2816 extension 224 or by email .

Using the Report of Harassment and Anti-racism Recording Form the Director will support the individual to complete the recording form which includes the following information:

  • Date form completed
  • Date/Time of alleged incident
  • Name of the individual making the report
  • Identify of the individual making the report (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of victim/survivor of alleged incident
  • Identity of victim/survivor (i.e., current student, other)
  • Name of alleged perpetrator(s)
  • Identity of alleged perpetrator (i.e., current student, faculty/administrator/staff, other)
  • Summary of incident
  • Name(s) of any other witnesses
  • Date and signature of individual making the report

The process for responding to a Report of harassment and racism involving a student is as follows:

The Study Program Director will meet with the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director and inform her of the incident. Collaboratively they will review the Report Recording Form and create an action plan to investigate and resolve the alleged incident of harassment and racism as soon as reasonably possible and document the process. The General Manager, Jacqueline Verret will be substituting any of the Program Director in this process if they are absent and/or named in the Report.

All allegations of harassment and racism will be investigated consistent with the principles of procedural fairness which ensures they are conducted fairly and without bias. The Osteopathy Study Program Director and the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director will ensure:

  • that the alleged perpetrator(s) is given reasonable notice, details of the allegation and provided with an opportunity to respond to the allegation
  • all identified individuals who had knowledge of or witnessed the alleged incident of harassment and racism misconduct are provided the opportunity to give their statement
  • any completed Report of Harassment and Racism Misconduct Recording Form relevant to this alleged incident is brought forward as part of the investigation
  • any additional information that may be pertinent to this incident is brought forward as part of the investigation including any follow up with police or regulatory authority

Once the investigation is complete, the Osteopathy Study Program Director and the Full Time Osteopathy Program Director will schedule a meeting of the College's Ethics Committee to hear the allegation. The preparation and process of the meeting is as follows:

  • Members of the Ethics Committee will be provided with a copy of the Report Recording Form along with the completed investigation section of the recording form along with any other relevant material for their review prior to the meeting.
  • The complainant and the accused (separate of each other) will have an opportunity to personally present their account of the alleged incident to the Ethics Committee and to address any questions or inquiries of the Ethics Committee regarding their account.
  • They will each be advised that they may be represented by an agent or a lawyer during these proceedings.
  • The Ethic Committee will consider all facts and information pertaining to the alleged incident and render a decision which must be substantiated with evidence.
  • The complainant and the accused will be informed of the Ethic Committee's decision both verbally and in writing within 48 hours of the meeting.
  • The decision of the Ethic Committee is final and binding on all parties at the College level.
  • The incident itself and all information related to it must be kept strictly confidential.

It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.


Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.


All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:

  • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm.
  • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another.
  • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided.
  • Where reporting is required by law.
  • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a complaint or Report.
Effective Date: 2025-03-07
Revision Date: 2025-03-07

Critical Incident and Crisis Management Policy

The purpose of this Critical Incident and Crisis Management Policy is to establish a clear protocol for effectively managing and responding to critical incidents that may affect the safety, well-being of staff, students and clients and the operations at the Canadian School of Osteopathy.

This policy aims to ensure a coordinated and timely response to minimize the impact of such incidents.

A critical incident is any unforeseen event or situation that poses a significant threat to the health, safety, or security of individuals or the integrity of college operations.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Public health emergencies
  • Natural disasters
  • Medical emergencies
  • Acts of violence or threats of violence
  • Cybersecurity breaches

This policy applies to all students, staff, and patients of the Canadian School of Otseopathy.

The management team is responsible for leading the response to critical incidents and ensuring that all necessary actions are taken to manage and mitigate the impact of the incident. The team is comprised of members of the Canadian School of Osteopathy, including:

  • The President- Founder: Philippe Druelle, D.O
  • The General Manager: Jacqueline Verret
  • The Academic Director: Sophie Desranleau
  • On-site Administrator and Student Services Coordinator: Claudia Cattoni
  • The Study Program Coordinator: Nathalie Ramos

Mister Philippe Druelle holds overall authority during a critical incident and is responsible for making final decisions regarding the college's response strategy.

Jacqueline Verret provides guidance for decision making for the on-site Administrator. She is the second authority after Mister Druelle to make decisions regarding the company’s response strategy.

Claudia Cattoni ensures that all logistical needs are met. She works with campus staff to ensure that the physical infrastructure of the college is secure and any necessary repairs or modifications are carried out promptly.

Sophie Desranleau provides emotional support and resources for staff and students affected by the incident. She will coordinate any required post-incident recovery and well-being services.

Montreal Headquarter Team serves as the immediate responder to incidents during regular work hours. Both Montreal team and Claudia Cattoni will notify the appropriate members and engage with emergency services such as police, fire department or ambulance.

The Canadian School of Osteopathy employs a third party service provider to manage all IT requirements. In the event of a Cyber Security Breach, it is the role of the service provider to take all necessary critical incident steps.

Incident Response Plan

1. Initial Response
  • All incidents must be reported immediately to Claudia Cattoni. Claudia Cattoni will notify the appropriate individuals of the management team by telephone, email, text.
  • Montreal Headquarter team will convene as soon as possible to assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.
2. Incident Assessment
  • Montreal Headquarter team will conduct a thorough assessment of the incident to evaluate the severity, potential impact, and required resources
  • The team will develop a response based on the assessment.
3. Safety Measures
  • Both Montreal team and On-site Team will implement necessary safety protocols to protect individuals on campus.
  • Evacuation or lockdown procedures will be initiated as required.
4. Recovery and Restoration
  • Once the immediate threat has been managed, the team will focus on recovery and restoration efforts to return the college to normal operations.
  • A debriefing session will be conducted to evaluate the response and identify areas for improvement. Review and Revision This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Any necessary revisions will be made to address emerging threats or changes in best practices.

The Canadian School of Osteopathy is committed to the safety and well-being of its community members. By following this Critical Incident and Crisis Management Policy, we aim to ensure that we effectively respond to and recover from any critical incident.

101-1150 Station St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6A 4C7
Phone: 604-694-1195

Continuing Education
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