35th Anniversary - Montreal International Symposium

Tradition, Clinical Methodology, Research and Know-How

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The International Symposium welcomed more than 234 experts in the fields of Science and Osteopathy in 2018. This annual meeting is a unique opportunity for professional osteopaths to learn, share and enjoy themselves.

Each year, at the beginning of June, the Montreal college is the host of the “International Symposium on Traditional Osteopathy”: a five-day event that brings together 300 osteopaths interested in advancing the field of research and sharing their knowledge.
We invite speakers from many countries, specialists in their fields, in order to allow participants to perfect their skills and learn more about the latest discoveries in osteopathy. Several seminars are offered on different themes in English and in French.
Please consult our website for more information on upcoming or current Symposiums.

The Toronto college also organises a weekend of seminars and conferences. The Canadian College of Osteopathy (CCO) invites different international speakers every year for this “Founder’s Day” event.
The Germany college (Deutsches Osteopathie Kolleg) offers a workshop program extending over a period of four days where international speakers come to share their knowledge and the discoveries they made over the course of their careers.
Please find below the brochures of some of our past Symposiums in Montreal. You may consult them to get an idea of the seminars and activities offered each year.

Contact Us

550, Ave Beaumont, suite 500
Montreal, Quebec H3N 1V1
Tel.: (514) 342-2816
Tel.: 514-342-2816
Fax: (514) 731-7214

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