An excellent education taught according to the standards of the World Health Organisation.

Tradition, Clinical Methodology, Research and Know-How


Thank you for your interest in the Collège dÉtudes Ostéopathiques de Montréal.

Thank you for your interest in the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal. Founded in 1981, the CEO was the first osteopathic school in Canada. Traditional osteopathy, including cranial osteopathy, is taught here by osteopathic teachers, many of whom have over 20 years of experience. Our programs are based on the standards of the WHO (World Health Organisation). The college offers permanent premises: a library, a documentation center with 1200 books and 1000 theses, a video library to freely watch practical courses in osteopathy, which are all filmed, and an external clinic that dispenses 6000 treatments per year.

Please note that the programs given at the Montreal campus are offered exclusively in French. However, accommodation measures are available for English-speaking applicants with a strong grasp of the French language.

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Full-time Program in Osteopathy

This comprehensive 5-year program is intended for students without a university-level education in health sciences and therefore includes courses in anatomy, pathology, physiology (university-level), etc., as well as courses in osteopathy. During the first three years, courses are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. From the 4th year, the courses are from Monday to Thursday inclusive. At this step of the program, two days per week are dedicated to practice, under the supervision of experienced osteopaths, in the CEO’s External Clinic. During your studies, you should expect one to two hours of study per hour spent in class.

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Study Program in Osteopathy

This program is intended for professionals that have already graduated from a university-level program in health sciences (medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, veterinary medicine, athletic therapy, etc.). This program is concentrated on osteopathy courses since anatomy, physiology, pathology and embryology courses have been completed in prior studies.

The length of the program is five years. This includes seven seminars of five consecutive days (generally from Thursday to Monday) per year during the first three years and five seminars per year during the last two years. The seminars are given by subject (ex. Pelvis 1-2, Lumbar, Bladder, Kidneys, etc.) Normally, the first four days are focused on theory and practice; the fifth day is dedicated to integration. Clinical days under the supervision of experienced osteopaths are also part of the program.

Admission criteria:

According to the professional association Ostéopathie Quebec
  • University degree in medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, athletic therapy, kinesiology, nursing, chiropractic, veterinary medicine, midwifery, pharmacy, dentistry, health and physical education, biomedical sciences, neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience. (Some profiles may require additional education courses and additional clinical hours).
  • Hold a DEC in réadaptation physique, sciences infirmières, acupuncture, soins préhospitaliers d’urgence, électrophysiologie médicale, radio-oncologie et radiodiagnostic, inhalothérapie, audioprothèse, analyse biomédicale, médecine nucléaire, denturologie, orthèse et prothèse orthopédiques, hygiène dentaire, techniques de diététique under the condition of following the Complementary Education in Basic Health Sciences program.
  • The Complementary Education in Basic Health Sciences program consists of 413 course hours (intended only for the applicants mentioned above). Students can start directly in the first year of the Study Program while completing the Complementary Education in Basic Health Sciences.
  • Certain other university degrees related to the health sciences may be accepted, following an evaluation by the admissions committee.

If you have any questions about the programs including tuition, please contact the admissions department.

The CEO reserves the right to alter its programs without notice.

Contact Us

550, Ave Beaumont, suite 500
Montreal, Quebec H3N 1V1
Tel.: (514) 342-2816
Tel.: 514-342-2816
Fax: (514) 731-7214
[email protected]

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